Thursday, 14 January 2010

#7. Weird 7 days

Its the 2nd week of the new year and already things are just turning wierd and totally inconvienient. is this the shape of things to come?? i hope not dang it!

My 7 days (im talking thursday to thursday as today is thursday and it all started going tits up last thursday) in traditional terms thats not a real week hence ive called it 7 days. well, it started with SNOOWWW, we cant cope with that shit, this is england, we arent made for ice and snow, we arent made for any weather mind you cos no matter what it does over here we always moan, it rains....boscastle dies, its too hot....buel water dries up, it snows....we come to a standstill, its windy...we moan about our beautiful flowers having thier heads knocked off, jesus people what weather do you want???

anyways im ranting, yes back to where i was, thursdays snow! The snow stopped me from going to work which wasnt a problem as i needed the time off but suddenly i didnt know what to do with myself, finally i decided i would design my next tattoo, i pretty much spent the day with my face covered in pencil lead, not a good look. friday came, the snow threatening my night out, my only night out of the week due to being so tired from over doing it at christmas, yeah i got 12 hours sleep in 5 days, not good, well not for me anyways. In the end the snow stopped me from going out i was miffed to say the least but my night turned out to be quite good as i spent until 7am saturday morning on the phone. Saturday and sunday were just a blur, i was up at 11am on saturday and awake til 5am on sunday morning talking to the same person on the fone again, which was very nice.

Monday came, i went into work and started feeling incredibly sick, for some reason i couldnt keep my food down and i was feeling really tired and the same for tuesday tho in the afternoon i had started to feel a lil better with the sickness, noooo im not pregnant!!!!! I left work, excited to get home and what happened, I BROKE FUCKING DOWN!!! thats right, i spent 2 hours sitting in the freezing cold in my car cos the bloody heap of junk broke down, how unreliable. I had to call my breakdown service, i spoke to this guy (no idea of his name) he spoke to me like i was his best mate, like he'd known me for years, kinda wierd as i didnt know how to react, he kept saying "ahhh wiiicked" and he did make me laugh. The breakdown guy arrived and informed me it was my clutch, my heart sank, i knew this was going to be expensive as it had gone in a previous car of mine, he said "ahh i see you need a knew clutch, aint gunna be cheap ya know" i felt like hitting him with how flipant he was but i guess he was trying to make light of the situation as by that time my face was blue with cold and it felt like my fingers had fallen off. well, he couldnt fix it by the road so he towed me home, i got in and once i had warmed up the sickness returned, maybe i should have stayed in the cold, whats worse?!?! I just wanted to fall into a hole, the sickness made me feel like i was eating my own bile with every breath, not nice and not sexy and the car thing had just pissed me off! Onto wednesday, probably the best day of the week, minus the car problems and feeling continually sick im actually feeling ok with this day, mostly because i had this great idea of doing a spoof of the hollywood undead music video "Undead" with a bunch of my mates (expect to see this come from us in the summer) and i kept chuckling to myself of what to do for various scenes and also i was looking forward to my mate was coming round to cheer me up, which is good and i needed the company. We spent the whole night laughing our heads off at ridiculous things on youtube, mainly smosh and shane dawson and then we watched my fave anime princess mononoke and like i always do when i watch anything to do with studio ghibli i started drifting off to sleep whilst watching it, i think the music does it.

Now here we are and its thursday, Ive spent the day wondering how i can improve my life and its frustrated me somewhat, I had a workout (20 mins on the bike, pfffttt no more thanks) and then i did some stretches and now i feel like my legs are gunna fall off as i havent rode for years but i need to get my fat ass in shape. i feel abit lonely today and could do with some attention, cuddles would be good, but as per usual no one is about to get hugs from....LOVE ME!!!!!! How were your last 7 days??? tell me, stalk me!!!!

This video has made my 7 days!

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