Friday, 8 January 2010

#6. Ive gone mad with the power, the power of the blog!

85% of my friends are guys and today my best mate Chris (bingy) sad I've gone up my arse with the power of the blog, though i don't really understand this as my blog doesn't seem to hold much power. i think its just him, hes abit crazy like that. or maybe my blog holds lots of power as my hits seem to have gone up lots, probably doesn't look like much if u read my hit counter but its a big change considering a week or so ago i had nothing, I'm just pleased that some people are reading it, i don't know if they find it good reading though or are the like "oh ffs, look at this silly bugger ranting on about shit again, id rather shove carrots up my arse or slit my throat with my most recent giro than actually pay attention to this idiot" i dunno, maybe your all laughing at me, in the bad way.....bitches! all of you, if so!

i digress......anyways my point is i reckon its mostly girls who would be reading this, its usually women that have the brain span to follow such a thing, so I'm wondering who out of my male friends is reading this other than Chris. I'm guessing no one will tell me but if you have the guts and your not made of flubber maybe you could speak up, buggers!xxxxxxxxxxx