Friday, 25 December 2009

#3. Happy Anniversary Jesus


Its been the weirdest Christmas ever, for some reason i really haven't cared much for Christmas this year whereas usually I'm like OMG ITS XMAS FTW LOL VIP RSVP BBQ! But no this year Ive been abit more "oh god its Christmas, now i gotta spend money".

As a kid i believed in father Christmas and even now i believe what his persona stands for (peace, love and all that flowery stuff) but the magic of Christmas as in the excitement of opening presents and stuff has just completely gone, its nice, in fact its lovely, don't get me wrong but most of the things you get for Christmas as an adult you already know about, lots of things aren't surprises and in general the older you become the harder you are to buy for, therefore leading people to buying you chocolates or shit bubble bath stuff from boots 3 for 2 that your never going to touch, in fact you will probably stick it in the raffle at a local pub or fair what have you. I would rather someone gave me a couple of quid and say "here, have this and buy yourself something small that you like" or even "i didn't know what to get you so i didn't bother" I would rather people be honest.

Last night i went out and i didn't get in until 6am Christmas day morning - another thing that points to it losing its appeal for me, usually i wouldn't dream of going out on Christmas eve, oh no that's family time! but this year, i just wanted to be with some Friends and forget about everything, yes its been a tough year and i hope that 2010 brings me and everyone i love and care for something better than they got this year, mostly i hope it brings me something strong and handsome in the shape of a man, is that wishful thinking?!

so i got lots of lovely presents but its come to the evening now and I'm feeling abit lonely so i thought i would write on here to the void that is the interwebz, to wish you all a lovely Christmas and a very happy new year! explaining to you how i feel about Christmas along the way. sooooo

Meri Kurisumasu soshite Akemashite Omedeto!
Sing Dan Fae Lok. Gung Hai Fat Choi
Geseknde Kersfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année!
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gl|ckliches Neues Jahr!
God Jul Och Ett Gott Nytt Ar

or (I'm edumacated ^_^)

just plain old, merry Christmas and a happy new year!

lublublub xxxxxxxxxxx