OK i admit it!!!! I'm lyk soooooo well into dubstep........ i wasn't gonna let myself be but i gave in, DAAANG! So a few people have been saying to me, "but this dubstep stuff is extremely chavvy???", its actually not, all the dubstep nights ive been to, admitedly not many...5 maybe, ive seen a few chavs but like tons of emo's and those drum n bass types that wear extremely baggy jeans n those wooly beanies with a peak....i don't even understand beanies let alone the ones with peaks.
well I've comprised my top 10 dubstep songs, I've been researching like a fucker and I've come up with this lil collection (found at the bottom of this blog), hope anybody who likes dubstep takes the time to listen cos its not all bad...its pretty damn sexy and its great to dance to (up against a man...hello nurse) - actually i spend pretty much most of the time pratting about to it and making a general tit out of myself doing the ska dance...skankin... i believe...or you just kinda wait til the beat drops and bounce around like a fool. these guys have got it right.... LOOL
Well some of you know, some of you don't but i did a lil recording of myself for the singing purposes, purely cos I've been saying i would do this for sooooo long and never got round to it, well the other night i did. I recorded myself singing Angels by Sarah Mclachlan (one of my fave artists) if you would like to hit it up and maybe comment/subscribe PLEASE????? it would be muchos appreciated :D Click here to hear!!!!
so here is my dubstep playlist for you wonderful people, MSNers feel free to chat to me to tell me what you think, you know i love a chat about music....rob! LOL